09 February 2006

Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo
Charlie Hebdo
Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical newspaper, is currently being sued by the Grand Mosque of Paris and the Union of French Islamic Organisations. Its 'crime' was to print a special issue in support of the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed caricatures yesterday, and to create a new one on the front page (featuring a sobbing Mohammed, sad that he is "loved by idiots").

The cover image is by Jean Cabut, known as Cabu. On the back page, Mohammed is represented as a skull (rather tastelessly) and, in a pastiche of Rene Magritte by Loic Schvartz, as a pipe. Inside is caricature of a laughing Mohammed by Georges Wolinski. A cartoon by Philippe Honore depicts Mohammed as a series of objects, as Weekendavisen did last year. Laurent Sourisseau, known as Riss, portrays Mohammed as a president. Bernhard Verlac, known as Tignous, has recreated Jyllands-Posten's most infamous cartoon, of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban.

A previous Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Mohammed, from the 27 November 2002 issue, did not cause any particular controversy. The cartoon, by Cabu, featured Mohammed as the judge of a beauty contest.